
Showing posts from 2010

AMT Slides of chapters after 3rd sessional

High Energy Rate Forming     Thread Rolling

AMT Final Marks And Attendance


CAD Internal Marks

CAD Final Internal Marks

MDII Final Internal marks out of 50



The List of Electives being offerd for the next semester is put up on the department notice board, kindly Refer the same.

MDD Drawing Clearer


MDD Drawing


AMT Assignment Due on Thursday 18th of November


CAD Assignment 2 Due on 15th


Metrology Assignment 2.


Syllabus of third sessional

Turbo from slip to pelton wheel.( centrifugal pump and compresssor. Axial flow pump and compressor, Pelton  wheel . numerical and theory all. ) Md II Worm gear, journal and roller bearing. AMT Jigs and Fixtures full. Microfinishing operations. CAD Finite Elemental Analysis. upto beam/truss element. Metro. Geometric features. Surface Texture. screw threads.

Links for Downloading Metro pdf of chapters coming in 3rd sessional.

1. Screw Threads 1 IC Gupta 2. Screw Threads 2 IC Gupta 3. Geomeric Feaures 1 RK Jain 4. Geometric Features 2 RK Jain. 5. Geomeric Features I C Gupta 6. Surface Texture IC Gupta 7. Surface Texture 2 IC Gupta. 8. Screw Thread RK jain

METROLOGY IT Values Sheet.

The Table For IT Values can be downloaded from >> HERE.

Advanced Mfg Techniques.

AMT Slides For Jigs and Fixtures can be Downloaded from  HERE. Additional Slides on Jigs & fixtures can be downloaded from  >> HERE Microfinishing operation slides can be downloaded from >>HERE

Schedule For Lab Xams.


Turbo Assignment II Last Date Monday 1st November

THERMODYNAMICS OF FLOW IN TURBO MACHINES Assignment  2 (1)     Air flows through an air turbine where its stagnation pressure is decreased in the ratio of 5:1. The total to total efficiency is 0.8 and the air flow rate is 5 kg/s.. If the total power output is 500 kW, find,(i) Inlet total temperature (ii) The actual exit total temperature (iii) The actual exit static temperature, if the flow velocity is 100 m/s and (iv) the total to static efficiency of the device. (2)     In a centrifugal compressor the air is compressed to double the pressure. The inlet temperature is 27 0 C and the final temperature is 107 0 C. Calculate the efficiency of the compressor and the power required to drive it if 30 kg/min of air is compressed. (3)     Air enters a compressor at a static conditions of 150 kPa and 15 0 C. and a velocity of 50 m/s. At the exit the static conditions are 0.3 MPa and 100 0 C. and a velocity of 100 m/s. Evaluate the isentropi...

AMT Non Traditional Machining Slides

The Non Traditional Machining Slides can be downloaded from  HERE

Metrology Assignment Last Date October 15th


AMT Assignment 1

Last  Date can be altered.

Mechanical Design 2 Assignment 2 To be submitted on 27th

MECHANICAL DESIGN – II ASSIGNMENT – 2 A compressor running at 320 rpm is driven by a 50 kW motor running at 1440 rpm through a pair of helical gears. The gears are 20 0 full depth involute in the normal plane and the helix angle is 30 0 . The center distance between the gears is approximately 360 mm. the pinion is to be C30 steel, heat treated and the gear is to be 0.2% carbon steel, untreated. The operation is with medium shock for 8 to 10 hours/day. Design the gear by assuming width of face as 15 times the normal  module A motor shaft rotating at 1400rpm has to transmit 20kW power to a shaft with transmission ratio 3.5 to1 .The teeth are 14.5° involute with 20 teeth on pinion. Both pinion and gear are made of SAE 1040 steel. Design the gears by assuming the starting torque to be 50% higher than the running torque. The pinion is surface hardened to 400H B . Design the pinion  and ...

Turbo Assignment. LAST DATE 30th September

Kindly comment if u cant see the questions properly. Assignment is also available at the OM Xerox in mechanical 5th semester file.

Mechanical Design 2 Assignment. To be Submitted on 27th Sept

MD2 Assignment 1